Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ways to Pass Time Online - Learn How to Do Internet Marketing

This is my first day of trying online marketing. I never even thought of going into this. But, I have bills to pay, kids to feed, and debts to settle. As the saying goes "people in need find ways to answer their problems".

I'm a doctor in our country. The idea of online marketing never even entered my mind. Then, "Boom!". I find myself about to lose a lot of money because my practice is not going smoothly. Talk about the S**T hitting the fan.

What do I do now ?

I googled what needs to be done. As countless others have done, I entered "how to make money online" in the search box in google. I got a million hits and basically, I had to read a lot of information in this category.

My next step was to start what was stated in the articles I read. I particularly found authority job killer by Joel Chue and Alvin Huang in my league because it was less than $10.

I read the 52 pages of authority job killer and watched the videos. As I was reading authority job killer I was saying to myself "SUCKER!!". But, I combined watching the videos and reading the pdf at the same time. It then occurred to me. " Why not give authority job killer a try?". I already paid for it.

What did I get when I paid for authority job killer ?

I got the 52 page pdf, videos and bonuses inside. Each part of the file explains clearly what a person like me without prior knowledge in online marketing needs to do. It also comes complete with a roadmap on how to narrow the products you want to sell.

As i was following the videos, a lightbulb flashed. "why don't I try online marketing as my product to sell ?". So, here I am in the initial stages of the roadmap of authority job killer. It is still a long way to go.

The initial steps I did after purchase and reading the file are as follows :
1. Set-up a clickbank account.
2. Sign-up in clickbank referral program
3. Sign-up as an affiliate of authority job killer.

Note : As stated in the file I bought, steps 2 and 3 supposedly would make me money. But this is my first day, I have yet to see.

I also need to set-up an autoresponder and my own website. What gibberish is this ?

Is this a scam or not ? I'll finish all the steps first and give it time.

I'll try to research some more to answer the questions "what are autoresponders and where can I get a website for free?", next time.

by Mat Alcantara

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